Lehigh Carbon Community College

What are the benefits of Dual Enrollment?

  • 降低学费
  • Credits apply to LCCC programs
  • Credits transfer to many other colleges and universities
  • Ability to explore your academic interests
  • Lighter course load as a full-time college student
  • Access to LCCC student 服务 and facilities


Begin by checking with your high school guidance counselor or homeschool evaluator for approval. Follow our Dual Enrollment 招生 and registration steps found in the Getting Started 页面.

How much does Dual Enrollment cost?

Dual enrollment students enjoy a discounted tuition rate based on their residency. 参考我们的 学费和杂费 页面 for dual enrollment tuition rates, or email dualenrollment@stilllearninglife.com.

Where are the courses offered?

Courses are offered at any of the LCCC campuses, 在线, or at your high school depending on the course.

*Please note that classes held at LCCC run on the college schedule while classes held at the high school run on the high school schedule.

We suggest basic courses that apply to many college majors and can be used to meet general education core requirements. Students who plan to continue at LCCC after high school can research our 大学项目 to see the classes required for their intended major.

Are there restrictions on what I can take?

Students must meet the same prerequisites as all other college students. Some college classes will require placement testing if we can’t use high school grades or PSAT/ SAT scores. If so, testing is available on campus or 远程. For more information visit the 位置测试 页面.

Popular classes for Dual Enrollment that DON’T require placement testing include: PSY140 (Introduction to Psychology), BUS120 (Introduction to Business Organization), 文化地理学(GEO110), Interpersonal Communication (CMN105), American Federal Government (PSC141), Interpersonal Communications (CMN105), and Introduction to Philosophy (PHI201).

Popular classes for Dual Enrollment that DO require placement testing include: ENG105 (Research and Composition), SOC150 (Introduction to Sociology), 数学, 历史, 科学课程.

查看 LCCC信用目录 及课程说明.

Can I substitute LCCC credits for required high school classes?

Your high school counselor must confirm which LCCC classes can meet your high school graduation requirements.

Before you decide to take LCCC classes for this purpose, it is essential for you and your family to not only expect the rigor of college classes, but also understand the added importance of being successful in them. Visit this 页面 for more information about 教育支援服务.

Is there a minimum age requirement for Dual Enrollment?

Check with your school counselor for their participation requirements. LCCC will accept students of any age, subject to placement testing.

Does LCCC provide transportation?

Students must provide their own transportation to and from LCCC when taking in-person classes. Public transportation is available. 停车免费.

What 服务 are available to Dual Enrollment students?

Dual enrollment students have a right to any and all resources, 服务, and facilities that traditional college students have access to. This includes the library, educational support 服务, and wellness center.

How does the student access grades?

The student can access all grades through the myLCCC门户. Academic alerts and mid-term and final grades are shared with High School counselors.

Can Dual Enrollment students with disabilities receive accommodations?

  • LCCC offers support and accommodations to qualified students with disabilities through 残疾 Support Services (DSS). The only way to receive these accommodations for LCCC’s courses is through 残疾 Support Services (DSS).
  • Whether taking the dual enrollment class(es) at the high school, 大学校园位置, 远程, 或在线, the student is responsible for contacting DSS to arrange for accommodations, preferably at the start of the semester.
  • LCCC accommodations for a Dual Enrollment student are in keeping with accommodations for all other college students. Accommodations for a Dual Enrollment student do not alter curriculum or the requirements of a college class. Accommodations may or may not mirror the accommodations that a student receives for high school classes as part of an IEP and/or 504 plan; in any case, a student’s IEP/504 plan does not transfer to the college classroom, so a meeting with DSS is required.
  • A student who experiences a temporary impairment during the semester should contact DSS as soon as possible to arrange for accommodations.
  • 的信息 访问DSS. For further assistance, please contact dss@stilllearninglife.com or 610-799-1154.